Rights and Permissions
I need information about:
Permission to Reprint
Reprint requests are managed by:
Elizabeth Adams/Permissions
University of Georgia Press
Main Library, Third Floor
320 South Jackson Street
Athens, GA 30602
If you are seeking permission to reprint content in another book, web site, or in any other format, please make your request in writing; no phone calls, please. Please allow for a minimum of three weeks to process permissions requests. Use the email form below or send a request by regular mail, including the following information:
- Your complete contact information
- Title and author of the UGA Press book from which you want to reprint content
- Page numbers and page count of the content
- Details about the book in which you will include the reprinted content:
- Title/working title
- Author/editor
- Est. publication date
- Est. price
- Est. print run
Permission to Photocopy
Requests to photocopy material for classroom use are managed by:
Elizabeth Adams/Permissions
University of Georgia Press
Main Library, Third Floor
320 South Jackson Street
Athens, GA 30602
Fax: 706-542-2558
All requests must be in writing; no phone calls, please. Please allow for a minimum of three weeks to process permissions requests. Use the email form below or send a request by fax or regular mail, including the following information:
- Your complete contact information
- Title and author of the UGA Press book from which you want to photocopy content
- Page numbers and page count of the content
- Instructor’s Name and Institution
- Course Name and Number
- Approximate number of copies needed
Print Accessibility Request
Print accessibility requests are managed by:
Elizabeth Adams
Intellectual Property Manager
University of Georgia Press
Main Library, Third Floor
320 South Jackson Street
Athens, GA 30602
UGA Press will provide digital files, or a physical scanning copy, of adopted textbooks for students with disabilities. This service is free of charge upon formal request from a disability resources specialist. Use this form, or email your request, with title and author information, to elizabethadams@uga.edu
Subsidiary Rights
Subsidiary rights are managed by:
Elizabeth Adams
Rights and Permissions Coordinator
All requests must be in writing; no phone calls, please. If you are interested in acquiring paperback, large print, foreign/translation, or dramatic rights to one of our books, please use this email form: